Lesson 5: Neckline Facing

Neckline Facing

Necklines are usually faced with fitted facings. The fitted facing has the same shape, same grain, same number of pieces, and same number of seams as the area it faces.

Because the fitted facing is an exact duplicate of the area it faces, it will shrink, stretch, drape, and otherwise perform in the same manner as the outer fabric (unless the facing is made of a different fabric).The general procedure for making all facings follows:

Place a piece of paper under the area of the pattern where the garment is to be faced. The paper should be large enough to make a facing 2 1/2 in wide.Trim off any paper extending beyond the pattern edge.Remove the facing layer of paper, and mark the width of the facing on it.Trim off the rest of the excess paper, and label che fac ing pattern on the side opposite to the side labeled for the front.

Note that beginners often confuse the shoulder seam with the center edge. Study the pat...

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