Lesson 3: Lined Patch Pocket

Lined Patch Pocket

A completely lined patch pocket provides a custom finish to a garment. The lining should be made of a traditional lining fabric and matched to the color of the garment fabric.

1. Cut the pocket and lining exactly the same size and shape.In the video lesson I created a pattern of a pocket 6"×5"

2. Pin together the correct sides of the pocket and the lining.

3. Stitch the lining to the pocket, following the seamline. Leave a small portion of the bottom edge unstitched.

4. Trim the corners of the seam allowance, and, if necessary, trim the excess seam allowance.

5. Turn the pocket to the correct side, gently pushing the pocket through the open seam.

6. Carefully push out all the corners, using an awl or pin. Roll the unsewn seam section at the bottom of the pocket to the inside so that the seam is not visible from the correct side of the pocket. Press the pocket flat.

7. ...

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