Lesson 10: Crimping & Ease Stitching

Crimping & Ease Stitching

Crimping and ease stitching are stitching methods used when one edge of a garment is slightly longer than the matching edge that is to be sewn to it. In order for the seam to appear smooth and not pucker or pleat, the longer piece must be crimped, or ease-stitched, to the shorter piece.

Crimping and ease stitching are most commonly used on sleeve caps, neckline edges that have been stretched out, princess seam curves over the bustline, and turned hems on slightly flared skirts.

CRIMPING directions:

Place your left index finger tightly behind the presser foot, and machine-stitch a single row of a stitching on the stitchline. Allow the fabric to flow freely under the presser foot, and machine stitch a single row of crimping on the stitchline. Fabric will pile up between your index finger and the presser foot. You created puckers and crimps in the fabric.

2. Distribute the crimping evenly. Plac...

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