Lesson 4: Lined Patch Pocket with Facing

Lined Patch Pocket with Facing

1.Cut two pocket pattern pieces, one from the garment fabric and the other from the lining fabric. The pocket lining should be measured while the pocket facing is folded. Measure from the bottom of the pocket up to the pocket facing stitch line, with the pocket still folded, and then add a 1/2-inch seam allowance. (This seam allowance is necessary to sew the lining to the facing area.)In the video I created a pattern for fashion fabric7"x 5" and for lining 5"x 5"

2. Pin the top edge of the lining to the top edge of the pocket (the extended facing portion), correct sides together.

3. Stitch the lining and the pocket together, with 1/4- inch seam allowance along the top edge, using a permanent stitch. Leave a 1-inch opening at the center of the pocket. Press the seam open.

4. Pin the pocket and the lining together, matching all raw edges. The pocket pieces are still correct side to ...

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