Lesson 6: Plain Seam. Pressing

Plain Seam. Pressing

Plain seam

A plain seam is the simplest seam to make and is the basis for many other seams. It is a good choice for the novice sewer. This seam can be used on woven and knit fabrics and on straight or curved areas. It can be constructed by hand or machine. A seam finish is needed on most woven fabrics, especially when the seam is exposed, and when knit fabric curls or rolls. Plain seams may be straight-stitched or zigzagged.


Place the right sides of the fabric together, matching the stitching lines. Pin and/or hand baste.Stitch along the 5/8-inch seam line. Stitching may begin and end with backstitching (stitch forward a few stitches, then backward, then forward to the end). A narrow, open zigzag stitch can be used on knit or stretch fabrics.Press seam flat and then open.

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